• A student must carry his/her Almanac to school every day.
• Students should enter the campus before 8:50 a.m. in winter &7:50am. in Summer after that students will not be entertained.
• All the students should be nicely dressed up. A student who is not properly dressed up can be sent back to home.
• Girls should have two plaits & if hair are below the shoulders, short hair should be neatly cut and pinned.
• Students are expected to take care of the property of schools. Any harm done to the school property, scratching or spoiling the desks, walls can lead to expulsion from the school.
• Students must not miss any period. A yellow card will be issued if they do so.
• School maintains strict discipline and good behavior to be maintained by the students.
• Any special tendency or a behavioural problem noted in the child at home should be brought to the notice of the school authorities.
• No pupil can leave the school premises during school hours or in the recess without the prior permission from the co-ordinators / authority.
• Students, who come to school by their own vehicle, should arrive at school before the bell rings.
• School Gate will remain closed during lunch break time.
• The school reserves the right to suspend or to take action against a student, who is negligent and indiscipline or whose progress in academics is constantly unsatisfactory.